Computer Use Policy
Acceptable Use Policy
The Pine Bluff / Jefferson County Library System's computers are primarily intended to be information resources to patrons and tools to assist people with the production of reports, essays and other written communications. Internet access is available at some computers. The Library System does not provide e-mail accounts. Games, news groups, chat rooms and other similar areas of the Internet are prohibited in the Library.
Computer users must use the Internet at their own discretion. The Pine Bluff / Jefferson County Library System does not protect persons from information found individually offensive, and cannot validate or invalidate the content found on the Internet. Please evaluate and scrutinize the information you find.
The Internet does contain material that is inappropriate for viewing by children, and which may be offensive to others. The Library's computers are easily visible by others, and the viewing of pornographic material is prohibited. If computer use results in the disruption of Library services, disturbs other Library users, or is inappropriate for a Library setting, the Library reserves the right to end the session, and to ask violators to leave.
The Library Staff will monitor the Internet Use of all patrons to be sure that such use does not violate Arkansas State Law, particularly if such use which is harmful to minors as defined by Arkansas Code, section 5-68-501. Anyone who violates the Library’s computer policy will have their computer privileges suspended, and repeat offenders will have their computer privileges revoked. If a person’s computer access is revoked, they may seek to have their privilege restored after 6 months.
Certain computers have other restrictions due to their location, and must be used as posted. For example, computers in the Genealogy Room are to be used only for Genealogical and Historical research purposes. Some computers are limited to persons 14 years of age and older, while others are limited to kids 13 and under and adults assisting kids. Time limits may be imposed if computer demand is greater than the number of computers available.
People who violate this policy will be removed from the computer, may not be allowed to use computers in the future, and may be asked to leave the Library.
Top Ten Computer Courtesies
PBJCLS wishes to provide equitable computer access to all citizens. Please observe the following computer courtesies:
1. Please sign in yourself using the library's automated computer sign-in system. Guest Passes are available valid for one day access.
2. Each library has a time limit for computer use. The time limit for a single session is one hour. If more time is needed, you can ask a staff member to extend your time allowed.
3. Please cooperate with staff who may need to designate computers for catalog or reference use only.
4. Do not download and/or install software programs on library computers. A loss of library privileges will occur.
5. Do not access pornographic or obscene materials. If you do, you will lose library privileges.
6. If no computers are available, check with library staff, or make a reservation for when a computer is available.
7. Save your work on a USB flash-drive. You are limited to saving work on the Desktop of the computer.
8. Computer work stations are designed for use by one person at a time.
9. Computers in the children’s area are for use by children age 13 and younger.
10. Computers in the young adult area of the Main Library are for use by young adults only (ages 14 to 17).
Computer Use Procedures
Time Limits: To ensure free access for all patrons, the library has installed software on all computers to manage user time limits. All users must have a valid library card to sign on to the computer. Visitors should see the librarian for more information.
Reservations: Computers may be reserved in advance. Each library has a different advance reservation policy. To reserve a computer, visit the library where you wish to use the computer and sign in. Using the Personal Session Manager, you can choose the computer and the time you wish to reserve.
Hours of Use: All computers will be turned off 5 minutes before closing.
Printing: The printing charge is $0.15 per page and applies whether the user brings paper or uses library paper. Printing from library computers requires a library card. PBJCLS is not responsible for loss of data that may occur when printing.
Saving Files and Documents: All documents that are saved must be saved to a disk or USB flash-drive belonging to the user. PBJCLS is not responsible for loss of data that may occur when saving documents.
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